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Nocturnes, fantasias

Nocturnes, fantasias represents a radical departure from most of the music I made between 2010 and 2019. While many of the pieces written during that period were explorations of notational possibilities, this set evolved from a trial-and-error creative process in the studio. Here the "raw" material I employed was not paper and pencil but recordings of short, improvised pieces I performed on piano, electric keyboards and guitars, and various synthesizers. Material was thus generated and later edited and rearranged on the computer. 


Nocturnes, fantasias was mostly created at night. The title materialized quite naturally: often quiet but detailed sounds for a time of rest and reflection (nocturnes); materials and structures derived from improvisations (fantasias). I recommend listening to this music at night in a silent and dim environment, ideally on headphones or through hi-fi equipment. 

This work is dedicated to my son Adrià.


Joan Arnau Pàmies

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